The most complete list of my publications can be likely found on my Google Scholar profile.
Maneet Kaur, Filip Frahm, Yichen Lu, Mustafa S Ascha, Jenny S Guadamuz, Efrat Dotan, Adam S Gottesman, Barry C Leybovich, Arjun Sondhi, Yihua Zhao, Neal J Meropol, and Trevor J Royce (2024). “Broadening Eligibility Criteria and Diversity among Patients for Cancer Clinical Trials”. Published in NEJM Evidence.
Arjun Sondhi, Alexander S Rich, Siruo Wang, and Jeffrey T Leek (2023). “Postprediction Inference for Clinical Characteristics Extracted With Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records”. Published in JCO: Clinical Cancer Informatics.
Corey M Benedum, Arjun Sondhi, Erin Fidyk, Aaron B Cohen, Sheila Nemeth, Blythe Adamson, Melissa Estévez, and Selen Bozkurt (2023). “Replication of Real-World Evidence in Oncology Using Electronic Health Record Data Extracted by Machine Learning”. Published in Cancers.
Arjun Sondhi, Janick Weberpals, Chengsheng Jiang, Prakirthi Yerram, Michael Taylor, Meghna Samant, and Sarah T Cherng (2023). “A systematic approach towards missing lab data in electronic health records: a case study in non-small cell lung cancer and multiple myeloma”. Published in CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology.
Arjun Sondhi (2022). “Estimating survival parameters under conditionally independent left truncation”. Published in Pharmaceutical Statistics. [arxiv]
Jean Feng, Arjun Sondhi, Jessica Perry, and Noah Simon (2021). “Selective prediction-set models with coverage guarantees”. Published in Biometrics. [arxiv]
Arjun Sondhi, Brian Segal, Jeremy Snider, Olivier Humblet, and Margaret McCusker (2021). “Bayesian additional evidence for decision making under small sample uncertainty”. Published in BMC Medical Research Methodology.
David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, and Arjun Sondhi (2021). “Permutation Weighting”. Published in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021). [arxiv]
Arjun Sondhi, David Arbour, and Drew Dimmery (2020). “Balanced off-policy evaluation in general action spaces”. Published in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2020). [arxiv]
Arjun Sondhi and Ali Shojaie (2019). “The Reduced PC-Algorithm: Improved Causal Structure Learning in Large Random Networks”. Published in Journal of Machine Learning Research. [arxiv]
Arjun Sondhi and Kenneth M. Rice (2017). “Fast permutation tests and related methods, for association between rare variants and binary outcomes”. Published in Annals of Human Genetics. [arxiv]
Arjun Sondhi and Ali Shojaie (2016). “Causal structure learning with reduced partial correlation thresholding”. Published in IEEE Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2016).